Subject: [NEW] ChromEngage the billions of people using it everyday

It's finally here, and available. ChromEngage is out and I can't wait for you to see how you can use it for maximum profit.

Right, so I've been blubbering about this product for a while now, and most people who understand what it is keep asking me the same question: “Why should I care about making Chrome Extensions?”

The answer is simple – it's the best way to reach 1.5 billion people who use Chrome everyday.

Think about your average customer. Really thin about them. Think about yourself first and foremost. You open your email, you get loads of them every day. You discard most of them, trashing them and keep going about your normal life.

You get a notification on your phone. You ignore these notifications. Facebook posts, text messages, missed calls, those notifications pile up and unless you're expecting a call you mass swipe right/left on your phone and ignore them.

You sit at your computer and read news. Watch Youtube. Maybe some Netflix. You're almost always concentrated on your browser. The content within it, to be sure, but it's always there. It's a safe space from the hubub of mass emails and multiple notifications. Suddenly a little popup draws your eye to the bottom right of your screen. It might disappear after a few seconds, but it's peaked your interest. What was it?

It was a call to action that you sent to every single of your Chrome Extension users and they all saw it. They were all intrigued by it. You want to know why?
Simple… it's new. Everyone read their email when it was a new thing – then it got old and spam filters got clever. Everyone loved mobile phone apps for marketing but people don't buy into that as much they used to. Apps are chock full of apps and more and more people are streamlining. Less apps, less hassle.

So when someone receives a pop up within their browser… they are going to notice it. They are going to act. The real question isn't “Why should I care about Chrome Extensions?”, rather it's can you afford not to?

Do you want to be the person saying “Look at that guy, made just the right silly Chrome Extension and made a million. I had that idea. Just like the idea for that one app that you never made and later found out someone was earning 50 thousand dollars a day. On your idea.

Don't let this new wave pass you by. I'm telling you about it now – so you can start using it as soon as possible, because just like apps, where there's too many people doing the same thing… customers switch off.

So you don't want to be late.
To your success,
Soren Jordansen & John Merrick
The IM Wealth Builders

25 Asprou Potamou Villa 6, 8560, Peyia, Cyprus
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