Subject: Last Call: Feedback for WP Simultor


our 3 Day holiday offer for WP Simulator ends Today -

Here’s some feedback we've had for WP Simulator:

 Wish this was around when I first started to use WP. As then I would not of spent all that money paying someone to fix the mistakes I had made. Wow! For $50 what a deal!

 - Andrew Ward 

The BEST SOFTWARE I HAVE PURCHASED! Thanks Matt... great Job!

 - Cheryl Kolpin Marko

WP Simulator is by far the best value for money purchase I have made in 10 years or so online

 - Roy

WOW ... Great timing, Matt!! ….I saw this offer yesterday it was a no-brainer...

 - Greg Smithhisler

WP Simulator is a STELLAR product and was more than worth the wait! …On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 = sucks and 5 = Total Awesomness, WP Simulator is a 5 PLUS!

 - Steve Haase

If this product sold for $150, I would still get it in a heartbeat. I’ve been in this business for over a decade and WP Simulator delivers, period.

- Bob Blanchard

It is going to save me hours as I have a lousy Internet connection as I live up a mountain

- Di Chapman

I’ve wanted an offline solution for a long time & here it is... Thanks!

 - Tony Bartlett

I think I would rate this as perhaps one of THE best programs I’ve purchased so far.

- Niki Bullas

I watched all the videos and you should have heard me say Génial ! Formidable ! Super ! all along the way... :-) Everything works like a charm, the xampp installation was almost too easy

 - Alexandra Lemonnier

This product is absolutely the best I have ever seen. The list of essential plugins that you provided is worth twice the price I paid for this product alone!

 - Kathy Ball

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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