Subject: Don't touch FB without this...


For most people the idea of running ads on Facebook is frightening, and with good reason...

get it wrong and it can lose you money, lots of money!

so here's how to run FB ads without losing money -

Quick Summary:

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1. Track Ads For Anyone -

Track the ads of anyone you want and be notified when they release a new ad. Always know what your competition or favorite Guru is going with his ads.

2. Find Infinite Audiences -

Discover ads and audiences that you won’t find in the Facebook ads manager. Show your ads to audiences that yield high RoI because your competitor isn’t smothering them with ads.

3. Build A Perfect Audience -

Laser-target your laser-targeted audience with behavioral targeting. Always show your ads to the ideal customer and get high returns.

4. Turn Boring Ads Into Eye-catching Ads -

You’re fighting with 2,000 other advertisers to get your customer’s attention. Deal them a knock-down by creating stunning ads that steal away all your customer’s attention.

5. Auto-Build Your Retargeting -

Target your lead instantly from the moment they sign up by putting them directly into your audience. Get them to buy when the iron is still hot.

6. Discover Perfect Page Audiences -

Pages owners build perfect audiences over years. Now use their hard work to run perfectly targeted ads.

7. Calculate Your RoI Before Ads -

Start your advertising with your plan in place. The RoI tool tells you how much money you can expect to make from your Facebook ads.

click the link while it's still on the earlybird launch special:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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