Subject: 🧰 The Future of AI Marketing – Live Event...

MidJourney for Marketers


MidJourney is changing how marketers create and use graphics...

Here's how to be part of this change, understand how it all works, and how you can profit from MidJourney -

AND how you can profit from MidJourney...

This live stream event hosted in a private Facebook Group, so you get to ask questions and interact in real-time...

Quick Summary:

 - What Midjourney version 5 is and how to use it effectively

 - The Midjourney version 5 Prompts Template Structure

 - The Invoke Method with a cheat sheet of 270 archetypes

 - The Slider Method and a recommended values cheat sheet

 - The Cowbell Method for when the Slider Method falls short

 - Seven ways to make $1,000 with Midjourney

 - How to create sellable Midjourney prompts using ChatGPT

The replay will be available for 48 hours after the live stream, and you can still ask questions within the Facebook group, to make sure you don't miss out on any valuable information.

Click the link to get registered now:

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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