Subject: My "Friday Focus Group"

My "Friday Focus Group"

May 22nd, 2016 at 8:09 pm EDT

==> I'm keeping this really short this week. It's Sunday evening and I haven't written my Friday blueprint yet. So, not surprising... I have absolutely no focus for tomorrow. That' not good news because when I start off Monday without having real cla ...

Another Freekin Friday .. (say "hi" to your customers)

May 20th, 2016 at 12:54 pm EDT

==> If you're not getting the sales results you want, it's time to say "hi" to your customers. It's "Freekin Friday" again, and that means I've got a no-cost solution to your online biz problems. A big problem bloggers and affiliate marketers have is ...

Here's 4 ways you can write more blog posts, and Better And Faster one's too...

May 16th, 2016 at 3:14 pm EDT

==> I know the feeling of being swamped with having to write so many blog posts that you're head starts spinning. Sometimes it's b/c you update your blog very often. Sometimes you've got to provide content for your blog PLUS several guest posts. It c ...

My "Friday Focus Group"

May 13th, 2016 at 8:51 pm EDT

==> Friday the 13th. Pretty scary, huh? As if we needed one more thing to be scared of. It's bad enough we're facing a new week in a few days. How's your Friday Blueprint coming along this Friday eve? Now, here's the problem. Far too many things we t ...

I need your help

May 12th, 2016 at 7:38 pm EDT

==> I'm in the process of creating some new training that is going to make things easier for you . . . But I want to make sure that it's exactly what you personally need to help you. So would you be willing to help me by answering these 3 questions: ...

Ever feel like you're stuck in one spot?

May 12th, 2016 at 9:59 am EDT

==> I know I've felt like I'm getting nowhere. Struggle though I might... Nothing seems to break my way. Even if you're running a highly successful blog or online business, there comes a time when you get stuck in one spot. Here's how I get unstuck, ...

Happy Freekin' Friday .. (insider joke)

May 6th, 2016 at 3:05 pm EDT

==> Judging from your responses, you do like the idea of "Freein' Friday" Overwhelmingly So, here's a recap of how this works. Each Friday I'm sending you something from myself or one of my marketing friends, that will will be absolutely priceless, y ...

Grab Early Bird Pricing for 'No Cost Traffic System' [P-L-R + Goodies] ... you'll want this for yourself, too

May 6th, 2016 at 9:38 am EDT

==> Do you know what has always been the number one topic in the Intnet Mktg Niche? Traffic. For as long as I can remember, any product related to generating traffic - is always a top ranked subject. You just cannot go wrong when offering a 'traffic' ...

are you getting prof'it from your blog?

May 5th, 2016 at 7:28 pm EDT

==> I can show you how. But first, here's another question. Do you spend a lot of time on social sites trying to spread the word about your blog? There has to be a reason. Here's the thing. Most people spend time commenting on other blogs to get more ...

My Brand New "3-Pronged Blogging Plan"

May 5th, 2016 at 11:04 am EDT

==> Want more leads from your blog? How about pa-ying cu-stomers -and- cl-ients? I get subscribers, clients, buyers... all day long from my blog. In fact, I pretty much just walk away from it and monitor the numbers from time to time. How do I do it? ...