Subject: heat melts

heat melts

November 11th, 2015 at 6:35 am EDT

So, here's what works. Heat. Here's what does NOT work. Cold, or even tepid. When you bring new people into your business, as I did in my new intuitive practice, they are looking for reasons to leave. They're just waiting to be convinced they wasted ...

"Everybody's got ten bucks," I said...

November 10th, 2015 at 7:56 pm EDT

I'm not sure who all knows my background. I've had (and still have) a professional practice as an "intuitive consultant" for many years. Over time, I moved my practice from a brick and mortar village shop/office, to a 100% telephone and Skype service ...

"Everybody's got ten bucks," I said...

November 10th, 2015 at 9:45 am EDT

I'm not sure who all knows my background. I've had (and still have) a professional practice as an "intuitive consultant" for many years. Over time, I moved my practice from a brick and mortar village shop/office, to a 100% telephone and Skype service ...

[VIP Club] New Training Notification

November 6th, 2015 at 9:28 am EDT

"Start Coaching" workshop has just received an update. This particular training shows you how to use Google Hangouts for your coaching program. In this case, we talk about delivering a coaching program, but the same methods can be used to deliver fre ...

My "Friday Focus Group"

November 6th, 2015 at 6:17 am EDT

Don't tell me about focus. Not this week. Last Saturday I was cutting branches from a small tree in my yard and something snapped, I got hit right between the eyes and... I spent the week recuperating from a concussion. That means, I really got nothi ...

the answer

November 5th, 2015 at 10:35 am EDT

People who answer your questions are far more likely to grab your products and services. So you have to ask them questions, right? But what kind of questions should you ask? It depends on what kind of answer you want. Let me demonstrate how this work ...

the question

November 4th, 2015 at 7:19 pm EDT

I told you that the key to having people eager to buy from you, begins with a simple question. STEP 1 Ask open ended questions. Just ask people what they're struggling with, what they could use help with. Now, you can't just ask them questions. You n ...

people will "pay you" for this...

November 3rd, 2015 at 2:40 pm EDT

"I built a list but nobody buys stuff from my affiliate links." I hear that one over and over. "I finally wrote an ebook... took me 6 months. In the next 6 months I had 3 sales." That's another common one. In fact, I even hear that people can't give ...

[Replay] get folks "engaged"

November 1st, 2015 at 7:44 pm EDT

Build you business like crazy, by getting folks engaged and involved. This was the most popular email of the week. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday :) ============== If you want to build a successful and profitable online business, you should be lookin ...