Subject: ☝️ ☝️ your playbook


I just created a free (but highly valuable) blueprint for you...

To give yourself crystal clear direction over the next 90 days AND
give your team a path to profits to follow without missing a beat.

The first step in the process I’m about to show you is called the
focus multiplier - but actually there are
four critical areas which
I’m going to walk you through step by step here

ALSO, be sure to listen to the end because I’m going to let you
download the whole thing as a gift.

Go here to listen to it now - and I'll give you the checklists too

I’m really excited for you to see this Friend because I think it will
change the game for you in 2019 - so please be sure to download it
today free of charge (and then share it with your team).

Here’s to an amazing year...starting with this MAJOR breakthrough
in the first 90 days! :-)


P.S. I’m not sure if you saw the invitation I sent you before - but if not -I
wanted to personally invite you to work with a private case study group
I’ve started to help you get more clients.  This group is going to be a
powerhouse of movers and shakers (which I’m planning to
use as my “showcase role models”) so I think you’d fit right in!

But let’s talk and see if you’re a good fit for the group for sure - shoot
me a REPLY to this email if you’re interested and I’ll tell you more.

PS:  When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get a Breakthrough for your business:

1. Be a Guest and Listen to the Podcast:  Growth to Freedom. 
It's the resource to help you connect the dots, see the blind spots, get 
unstuck so you can get more clients, grow and scale your business with 
less stress.  Enjoy it here or on iTunes

 If you’d like to be a guest on the show, tell me a little about you by going here.

 2. Want more clients? Join our Client Accelerator Program and Be a Case Study

If you'd like to work with me (and my team) to help you create a compelling

message, transform your offer, convert more clients, get paid traffic to
work, and most importantly get a steady stream of clients coming to you... 
just reply to this message and put "Breakthrough" in the subject line.

3. Is your sales and marketing system messy?

If you'd like to work directly with me to create Breakthroughs for your 

business, to help you get more new clients so you can have a bigger impact, 
reach, and contribution... and you want direct help implementing a sales and 
marketing system, just reply to this message and put "Private" in the 
subject line... tell me a little about your business and what you'd like to 
work on together, and I'll get you all the details!
