Subject: health tips - Sunlight for vitamin D, cinnamon and diabetes

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Light appears to have powerful painkilling properties for some people 

Sunlight can stimulate vitamin D production in the skin, and vitamin D is (among other things) important for muscular health. Low vitamin D levels can cause muscles to be weak and painful. In today's blog, I recount the story of a friend of mine who has suffered severe muscular pain for a year, and has found significant relief from his symptoms through sun-bed sessions. For more on this,click this link.


Cinnamon shows promise as blood sugar-lowering agent

Moderating blood sugar levels is one key to good health, and this is particularly important for individuals suffering from diabetes. A key approach here is to eat a relatively low-carb diet, but in addition, certain supplements may help. On Tuesday my blog explored the evidence which suggests that the spice cinnamon has blood sugar-lowering potential. For more on this, click this link.



High GI diet leads to reduced fat-burning and increased fatness in mice


As a general rule, scientists, doctors and dieticians subscribe to the view that when it comes to weight management, 'a calorie is a calorie'. Essentially, this means that weight loss is the aim, we need to consume fewer calories than we burn, and as long as we do, then the form that these calories come in is irrelevant. However, there is some evidence that shows this is not the case. On Monday, my blog focuses on a study which shows that fast sugar-releasing (high GI) carbs (compared to slower-releasing ones) lead to reduced fat-burning and increased fatness in mice. For more on this, click this link.


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Dr John Briffa