Subject: FaithWriters Daily Bible Devotional for Friend

Thousands of Writers Inspired by Rev 7:9-12

It's Okay to Tell for the Right Reasons 

by Vicki L. Julian

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24 (NIV)

Jesus taught with parables, so likewise, perhaps the best way to fulfill this directive might be by example and sharing our good acts. But how do we do that? Isn’t it boastful to tell others of our good deeds?

Actually, there is a big difference between sharing ideas for doing good deeds to inspire others versus bragging about what we have done in order to receive praise or recognition. It's a fact that we feel better about mankind when we hear stories about others who do something wonderful to help their fellowman. It makes us see that we can do those things, too.

Intent is the discerning factor. If we tell of our good deeds for personal glory, that is clearly contrary to what the Bible says we should do. But if we tell to provide an example, that is different. It lets our light shine so that our good works glorify God and will give others ideas to follow. Now that is how to spur one another!

Today’s writer loves to write inspirational works and serves as a Stephen Minister. She is a board member of Kansas Authors Club and strives to fulfill Hebrews 10:24 as her calling. Contact 
